Sylvester Duncan is a donkey who loved collecting pebbles of unusual shape and color and on vacation he found an extraordinary flaming red one that looked like a marble. Sylvester discovers that the pebble grants wishes but when he comes across a hungry lion, instead of wishing to be somewhere safe he wishes that he was a rock. Sylvester could no longer hold the magic pebble so he has to wait many seasons when his parents finally came to picnic by the large rock. Duncan's parents find the beautiful pebble and place the pebble on top of the rock. Duncan is able to wish himself back to normal and they have a lovely family reunion. The family places the pebble in a safe in case of the chance that they might need to use it.
I think the story is well illustrated. The drawings are simple and brightly colored. Most pictures span both pages and the pictures help to explain the story to the reader, they add to the text.
Steig, William. (2009).
Sylvester and the magic pebble. Atheneum.
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