Rosa Parks was a seamstress and her boss let her out early one day and she made her way to the bus to go home. She paid her fair, went to the segregated entrance in the back of the bus and sat in the "neutral" section of the bus where blacks or whites could sit. The bus driver yelled for Mrs. Parks and some other riders to leave the seats - all did but Rosa. She was tired of segregation and didn't want to move so the driver called the police and she was arrested. The colored people in Alabama decided to boycott riding the bus and held a peaceful demonstration with the help Dr. Martin Luther King for about a year. The Supreme Court finally ruled that segregation was wrong and everyone was entitled to be equal.
The illustrator uses muted colors to establish the mood in this amazing story. The use of collage allows for a dynamic that reinforces the words written on the page. The pictures fill one and a half pages and are very realistic.
Giovanni, Nikki, & Collier, Bryan. (2005).
Rosa. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Co. (BYR).
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