A lonely orphan named Harry Potter was sent to live with his snobby and dispicable Aunt, Uncle, and cousin and was never told of his parent's secret life. After turning 11, Harry is visited by a half giant named Rubeus Hagrid and is told about his life destined to be a wizard, and how he was the only survivor from Lord Voldemort's attack that killed his parents. Harry soon finds himself on a mysterious train to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry where he befriends a boy named Ron and earns an enemy named Draco Malfoy. Harry and Ron befriend a very intellectual girl named Hermione and the three discover after several events that the hated Professor Snape is after the fabled Sorcerer's Stone. The three get past the three headed dog, through the trap door and pass through the series of traps set up by the professors in the school. The last obstacle Harry realizes that Snape isn't the thief, the villain is Voldemort who shows himself through Professor Quirrel, and Harry outsmarts them by obtaining the stone through the mirror. Harry defeats Quirrel thus defeating Voldemort in spirit form and turns the Sorcerer's Stone back to the head of the school, Professor Dumblebor, and Harry becomes the hero of Hogwarts.
Plot is a VERY strong element because so many details go into this story and series that carry the reader along. The characters are very believable even though they are doing things that normal humans cannot - magic. The characters still suffer everyday tribulations of teenagers.
Rowling, J. (1998).
Harry potter and the sorcerer. Arthur A. Levine Books.
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