Once again, Harry Potter is back with his aunt and uncle during the summer where he stirs up trouble with the family when he argues with his great Aunt Marge and blows her up into a big balloon. Harry Potter runs away from home, finds his way back to Hogwarts where the escaped prisoner from Azkaban is attempting to locate Harry. Harry defeats Dementors by unleashing his inner patronus, a silver stag, he learns more about his father and his father's friends shape shifting abilities, and Snape's hatred for them as Harry discovers that the prisoner, Serius Black, is the wolf he has been seeing. Harry learns that the true traitor to Harry's family was actually Peter Petigrew and not Serius Black , the Dementors attack Black anyway and Harry saves Serius with his patronus again. Harry discovers after Serius has once again been taken prisoner that Serius is indeed Harry's godfather. Dumbledor and Harry plot out away for Serius to once again escape to keep from getting the Dementor's kiss.
Characters are very strong and are very believable. Dialogue shows each of the characters in more depth and allows the reader in to see their personalities.
Rowling, J. (1999).
Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban. Scholastic Paperbacks.
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