
Friday, July 2, 2010

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Dog Called Kitty

This story is about overcoming fears. Ricky, the boy in the story, has a fear of dogs because of an attack from a dog. He comes across a dog trying to eat every time the kittens re fed. Ricky overcomes his fear and befriends the dog. A great friendship begins.

Children will love the sweet story. Kids usually love stories of children with their pet. Children will be able to identify with the fear Ricky is feeling and hopefully it will help students through fears they may have.

Wallace, Bill. (2008). Core collection for children and young adults. Scarecrow Pr.

Pink and Say

Patricia Polacco does it again with another great story. The story tells a bit of history as well as a wonderful story of friendship between to children of different races. The best part of Polacco's stories is that they are true. This is a very thought provoking story that should be shared with everyone.

Kids really enjoy this story even though it may seem above their heads. Kids need to learn and practice empathy and compassion especially in a world of such diversity. The pictures are also just as beautiful as the story.

Polacco, Patricia. (1994). Pink and say. Putnam Juvenile.

Lizzie Bright and the Bucknister Boy

This is another story about being comfortable with who you are even among different cultures and races. The age group this is written for needs to feel comfortable with who they are. The son of the minister doesn't fit in but then he meets a new friend that he feels the need to stand up for. I thought it was a good book with a good story.

Kids will like this story because of the good story of friendship. They will be able to relate to the characters. This book contains a lot of deep subject matter but it is an enjoyable journey.

Schmidt, Gary. (2008). Lizzie bright and the buckminster boy. Laurel Leaf.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good Dog

This book has beautiful pictures. The poems are fun to read and a little silly. Anyone that loves dogs will appreciate this book. It covers many breeds of dogs and even describes the personalities of each breed. I recommend this book.

Kids will love this book because kids always love to read about animals. Poetry can be introduced and enjoyed through the love of animals. The poems will make children laugh and it is good for all ages.

Gottfried, Maya, & Zakanitch, Robert. (2008). Good dog. Dragonfly Books.

Just in Case

I like cultural books like this one. This is a Spanish alphabet book with beautiful pictures. Readers are even invited to find a butterfly on each page witch draws the reader to look at details on each page. This is an alphabet book that is tied into a story - not just letters on each page. This is a nice peak at the Spanish culture.

Kids will love this book and will be drawn in by the beautiful pictures. Kids also love to hear the 2 languages read out loud back to back. Kids love to learn vocabulary in a new language.

Morales, Yuyi. (2008). Just In case. Roaring Brook.

Ella Enchanted

I love this story! It is full of enchantment, love, being okay with being different, and finding out what you're made of. I really enjoyed this cleverly told modern Cinderella story. The main character is a strong young girl and I believe girls will be empowered after reading this story. The adventure she goes on helps her find herself and her true love. The good guy always wins.

Kids, girls especially, will love this story. It is an easy read and then the kids can watch the movie. The movie was very well done. Everyone loves a good Cinderella story.

Levine, Gail. (2004). Ella enchanted (rack). HarperTeen.